Ethiopia’s First Missionary
Acts 8:26-40
This is a beautiful
illustration of
God’s sovereign providence as He
worked out all details to save 1 individual & begin evangelization of the African continent.
· It was a seemly unwise strategy: to pull Philip
from roaring revival in Samaria
to reach 1 man in desert. Act 8:5-8, 26-29, Mt 18:12
God “led” Philip indirectly to Samaria
out of necessity (fear persecution)
& then extraordinarily guided Philip w
an “angel of Lord” (OT) & Holy
Spirit (NT).
· Bible does not rule out special guidance for today. Ps 19:1, Rom 2:15, 1 Cor .12:8–10
Scripture is all we need to be saved, grow spiritually, and determine right and wrong.
is also sufficient for assessing and discerning all other kinds of revelations.
· Pray for eyes
to see, and ears to hear when Holy Spirit calls to divine
appointment. Lloyd-Jones
Holy Spirit has never audibly spoken to me
like Phillip but I have had the Holy
Spirit prompt me.
It is wrong think direct supernatural
guidance is more spiritual than indirect.
Easier to determine God’s desire with
direct guidance.
Faith trusts God when we do not
see (angel/vision), & we don't need to. 2 Cor 5:7
The key for ordinary & extraordinary
Holy Spirit guidance is being Spirit-filled like Philip.
· He obeyed the illogical command w/o
questioning God & went not
knowing all that God had in mind. Just
like Abraham.
Follow Holy Spirit’s leading, even if it seems like demotion.
Governmental power in hands of queen Candace (this was not a personal name but a title)
The royal son was considered too sacred to be involved in secular
· Extremely high-placed, trusted, well-educated, wealthy Secretary of Treasury returning
500 miles home to Ethiopia reading Isaiah. After worship God in Jer.
· God is sovereign: Isaiah 53 (all implied in text) is the best OT picture of Jesus Christ—the suffering
Servant’s coming, providing a substitutionary
death, resurrection, and offer
of eternal life. Act 8:30-34
Humbly expressed frustration everyone reading Bible…What means?
· Do you understand what you read in Script or just read? Ps 119:18, 2 Tim 2:15, 1 Pet 3:15
· Pray for understanding from Author of Bible & creator of mind…then study.
Butterflies flit over but bees dive
into flowers & receive stomachs
filled w/sweetness for their hives.
Philip knowledgeable enough in Scripture to know to begin where Ethiopian was.
· 1st Gentile convert specifically
mentioned in Acts was an African
who was not won by an apostle but
· Effective gospel presentation based solidly
on Scripture, and the person
and work of Jesus Christ.
not personal testimony, stories, tracts,
etc., Rom 1:16, 10:17
See how the Gospel crossed racial
differences (Greek/Ethiopian), religious
differences (Jew/Gentile), and vocational
differences (evangelist/government worker), socio-economic differences (poor/rich) in order to save a black Gentile eunuch.
· His physical status is highly significant.
Deut. 23:1, Isa 56:3-5
law prohibited eunuch from entering temple
& inheriting Abrahamic promises but God pursued & saved the
unclean and unworthy eunuch.
it was no coincidence that at precisely a critical time they came to water. Act 8:35-40
· After baptism
Phillip was instantly transported 20
miles away & disappeared
from Acts. But 20 years later we
read about him in Caesarea with 4 daughters who were all prophetesses. Act 21:8-9.
The eunuch was viewed as father of evangelism in Ethiopia. Ps 68:31; 87:4
God sovereignly brought each of us here today.
· Salvation is
a gift of divine mercy to the guilty/unworthy,
not reward for works.
Jesus Christ makes us acceptable to God & fit to dwell with Himself in glory.
· Christians should rejoice & be open to
ordinary/extraordinary leading of HS. Spirit-filled
Anywhere (neighborhood, gym, club) could be your passing chariot or open door that God has prepped for gospel with results that
may reach the nations or forever impact
your life.
Martyn Lloyd-Jones…Here again is a most extraordinary
subject, and indeed a very fascinating one, and, from many angles, a most
glorious one. There is no question but that God's people can look for and
expect "leadings," "guidance," "indications of what
they are meant to do. If you read the
history of the saints, God's people throughout the centuries and especially the
history of revivals, you will find that this is something which is perfectly
clear and definite—men have been told by the Holy Spirit to do something; they
knew it was the Holy Spirit speaking to them, and it transpired that it
obviously was his leading. It seems clear to me that if we deny such a
possibility we are again guilty of quenching the Spirit.” (The Sovereign
Spirit, pp. 89–90)