Sunday, January 25, 2015

God's Design for Marriage Part 1 - Pastor Dan Cravillion

God’s Design for Marriage, Pt 1

Genesis 2:18-23

18 Then the Lord God said, "It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him." 19  So out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field and every bird of the heavens and brought them to the man to see what he would call them. And whatever the man called every living creature, that was its name. 20 The man gave names to all livestock and to the birds of the heavens and to every beast of the field. But for Adam there was not found a helper fit for him. 21 So the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and while he slept took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh. 22 And the rib that the Lord God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man. 23 Then the man said,
"This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man."

Solitary fellowship with God, even in paradise, was not God's original plan for mankind.
·      Adam alone did not fully reflect the image of God.  Gen 2:18-20
o   First time God says that something in creation is not good.
Strange naming animals here: every animal had a mate but none were suitable for Adam.
·      God stepped in & created a companion “fit for him”. Gen 2:21-22
·      Adam sleeps while Eve was made. No credit/suggestions were given for her creation.
o   “Made” literally, “built.” This pictures God as a sculptor. 
o   Rib not dust: his wife was a part of him, equal with him, not a lower creation.
The culmination of the blessing God gives Adam in paradise is Eve & marriage.
·      The term “very good” did not occur until the creation of woman. Gen 1:31
·      God was the first Father to give away the bride & performed the first wedding.
Marriage was not a social invention but a divine institution given by God to man.
·      God designated and defined marriage: One man with one woman FOR LIFE.
o   Man did not redefine: Ideas like same sex marriage and open marriage is are all unbiblical.
LEFC core value: The Word of God is absolute truth.  This may be uncomfortable sometimes.
·      It is Biblical that a husband is the head/leader over wife. 1 Cor 11:8-91 Tim 2:13, Gen 2:23-24, 3:20 (He: ish, she: isha), Rom 5:15
o   Adam was created first, and the woman was made from man & for man, named two times, woman not “leave” but transfers (father> husband).
Husband was placed as head of home & the wife gladly, willingly, submitted to what  was God’s original plan to reflect His image more fully.
·      Trinity: equal in deity/importance yet different roles/authority (esp. seen in creation & redemption). Jn 1:1-3; Heb 1:1-2, Lk 22:42; Phil 2:6-9, Jn 16:7
Husband has authority over wife, yet equal in personhood with distinct roles (even before fall). 1 Cor 11:3, Gal 3:27-28, Gen 2:20,
·      "helper fit for him" beautifully captures woman's role/dignity simultaneously
o   “Helper” emphasizes his inadequacy not her inferiority.
§  The term often used of God…She picture of God coming to the aid of man.
o   Adam immediately perceived Eve as companion not servant.
·      She was “fit for him” (corresponding to) woman is missing part of man.
o   What he lacked, she supplied, & vice versa.  Incomplete puzzle
§  No sense here of "better/worse" or "more/less important".
o   she complimented him socially, intellectually, physically, emotionally & spiritually.
Because God is sovereign & the designer of marriage we should:
·      Accept: beauty, dignity, wisdom of the distinct roles in marriage.
·      Realize: We are most happy in marriage when we operate within God’s design.
·      Trust God: Wherever God in His wisdom has you, married/single, trust & walk with Him faithfully.
o   If single you are a single Christian, Jesus Christ is your “spouse” & can relate to your aloneness.

NEXT WEEK: God’s design for marriage is an earthly picture of the spiritual relationship between Jesus & His bride, the Church (Christians).   Eph 5:22-33 

Saturday, January 17, 2015

A Special Creation - Pastor Dan Cravillion

A Special Creation

Genesis 1:26-27
26 Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth."
27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him;
male and female he created them.

Genesis 2:7
Then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature.

God made man uniquely/intimately compared to rest of creation.
·      God didn’t speak man into existence but formed man from dirt then personally breathed life into man (Adam)….how intimate!
o   Man is distinct, unique from all creation. Man is not the most evolved animal!
·      There were not millions of human-like creatures before God breathed soul into “Adam”.
o   B.B. Warfield, (theistic evolutionist) quote
Man is uniquely made & is the only creation “made in His image”. Gen 1:26, 2:7, 5:1-2, Ps 8:3-6
·      “image of God” =imago Dei means image, shadow, or likeness of God.
    • similar but not identical to the thing it represents or is the "image" of.
·      This doesn’t mean bodily, since God is Spirit (Jesus Christ is now in resurrected bodily form in heaven). Jn 4:24
o   Though our physical bodies do reflect the “image” of God.
§  Our bodies allow us to see, hear, speak, touch, smell, etc. 
·      All things scripture describes, God does.
·      We are much more like God than rest of creation in many ways but a full understanding of man's likeness to God would require a full understanding of who God is.
Some ways we are made in the image of God would include:
·      Intellectual ability: wisdom, abstract reasoning, think logically, learn, develop greater skills/technology
o   Apes cannot discuss the incarnation or understand complex commands. 
§  Beavers build the same kind of dams for 1000 generations
·      We are able to love, be creative/merciful/just, sense of right/wrong (animals respond from fear/hope of reward), make ethical choices.
o   Only man is morally accountable before God.
·      We can grow to be more like God (holy, honest, patient), but not become God…
o   After the fall, we are still in God's image but some parts of image distorted or lost.
§  Death (soul/body separated) and punishment for sin was not God's original plan for man.
o   We can partially restore that “image” in our thoughts, words, actions because of Christ’s sacrifice & the Holy Spirit indwelling in Christians.  Rom 2:14-15, Col 3:9b-10, 2 Cor 3:18, Rom 8:29a, 1 Peter 1:14-15, Jam 3:9
The most important way we are more like God than rest of creation is that only man has spiritual nature & is immortal like God.
·      Immaterial spirits enable us to relate to God as persons, (pray/praise him).
·      The fact is that everyone will not cease to exist but will live forever (either with or apart from God) This is the Biblical truth behind one of LEFC’s CORE VALUES: To strategically share the Gospel with our local, regional and global neighbors.
Because the Creator created man more like Himself than rest of creation, He made us in His image we should:
  • TREAT EVERYONE w/kindness, dignity & respect….life is sacred.
    • This includes children in womb.  Gen 9:5-6, Ps 139:13-18
§  If we depreciate the value of human life we’ll lose sense of meaning in life.
  • ACCEPT YOURSELF because God's image is imprinted uniquely on each.
    • There are no duplicates; you, are the only you that has ever been or will be.
  • REALIZE: you will be most happy when you grow to become more like Jesus Christ.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Bereshith: In the Beginning - Pastor Dan Cravillion

Bereshith: In the Beginning

Genesis 1:1, John 1:1-3

Gen 1:1
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.

John 1:1-3
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
He was in the beginning with God.
All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made.

There are only 3 options “before creation”: Nothing, impersonal something (matter), or God.
·      Something can’t come from nothing.
o   Big Bang’s initial material & the cause of explosion? 
·      So either matter or God always existed & is the source of everything.
o   If matter is eternal like God then God has no right to rule over it.
Gen 1:1 is an authoritative declaration that God alone always has been, is, & will be. Gen 1:1a, Ps 90:2, Job 38:4-7
·      “Elohyim” this is the plural, general name for God; like calling me Pastor Dan
·      Yahweh/Jehovah is the personal name for God (like dad would be for me). 
o   In the creation: the Father, Jesus Christ & the Holy Spirit acted together in distinctive roles.  Gen 1:1-2, Ps 33:9, Jn 1:1-3, Col 1:16, Heb 1:2, 11:3, Rom 4:17
God created everything out of nothing so no matter in universe is eternal.
·      The phrase “Heaven’s & earth” like “head to toe”…everything seen/unseen.
·      Creation is distinct from God (transcendent) yet God is directly involved in creation (immanent) because creation is always dependent on God.  Eph 4:6
o   The universe is not God (Pantheism), nor did God create & then leave the earth to run on own (Deism)
§  From the beginning God has been interacting with His universe.
Because God created universe out of nothing it must have a purpose.
·      The Purpose: To Glorify God & teach us about Who He Is. Rev 4:11, Rom 1:20, Ps 19:1, 148:5
o   That’s the reason the universe is “very good".
·      Glorify: God's character (sovereignty, omnipotence) is displayed in creation.
o   The size of the universe proclaims His infinite sovereign power. 
·      Teach: In the parables Jesus used the world to teach men spiritual realities.
o   Genesis shows creation happening in stages…He still works that way.
Genesis focuses on the who & why of creation not on the how & when.
·      Science can’t answer the who/why & Genesis is largely mute on how/when.
o   The Bible does not say anything about the age of earth. It makes no comment.
·      I believe the Word suggests (but does not require) a young earth, yet observable facts favor old earth.
o   Each side is often unable to see the difficulties in their own positions.
All must agree: (1) Eternal God created everything out of nothing; (2) creation is distinct from God, yet dependent on Him; (3) The creation was originally very good; (4) Adam/Eve were special creations; (5) all was created to show His glory;, .
·      We can disagree on: How it was specifically created, the age of earth/human race.
Here is the Challenge: To love those who in good conscience & full belief in God's Word hold to different position on this matter…..I personally embrace 24 hour, young earth
o   We need to have Less arrogance, condescension, and academic pride, & more humility.
·      Bible is not primary a science textbook but book of redemption:
o   It is not as important as HOW the heavens were made, but how to go to heaven.
The real issue of creation is not ultimately of facts but faith…moral/spiritual, not intellectual: Rom 1:19-22, Heb 11:1-3, Jn 1:1-3
·      Carl Sagan, a scientist and atheist, once said, “The cosmos is all that is, ever was, or ever will be.” This is a faith statement, not a scientific one.
o   Sagan places his faith in a “supposedly” eternal, impersonal matter; not an eternal personal God, that he must submit to.  So the question to ask yourself is: “Where place your faith?”