Sunday, August 17, 2014

Church Discipline - Pastor Kyle Danielson

Church Discipline
Matthew 7:1-5
·      Opening Illustration
o   There’s a guy in church, he seems nice enough
o   But after his dad got remarried, something’s a little off with his relationship with his step-mom, ya know, it seemed a little cozy
o   Over time, it becomes so obvious the whole church knows.
o   Yet, no one wants want to judge, in fact no one seems to mind.
o   So, this guy’s adopted an, “I’ve got game” attitude
o   Can this happen? Yes it can
o   This is the situation Paul addresses in 1 Cor. 5, and we’ll get there later
o   What should the church do?
·      I’m preaching today on Church discipline
·      Why preach on this? Because we’re not in a time of crisis
·      Points – well I’ve got lots today (that’s why the handout)
·      You may be thinking: “Why start in Matthew 7?”
o   We need right hearts
o   Discipline is always a matter of the heart
o   And always has the same goal – repentance and restoration
·      What is Church discipline?
o   Two things: positive and negative
§  Positive is Bible reading, prayer, etc.
§  Negative is enacting measures to bring repentance and restoration
o   It is natural to the Church, what I mean by that is if a church never proceeds with discipline, either they’re perfect, or, they’re ignoring the commands of Scripture
o   If a church refuses to practice discipline, it’s not a church
o   This is IMPORTANT: there is no “one size fits all”

·      What constitutes a church?
o   The reformers, (3) things:
§  Faithful preaching of the Word
§  Regular celebration of the sacraments (or ordinances)
§  Discipline
o   Church at Ephesus
o   (Revelation 2:5) “Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent, and do the works you did at first. If not, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place, unless you repent.”
o   (Rev. 1:20) tells us it’s the church
o   In other words, “You don’t get to be a church anymore.”

·      Why does a Church do discipline? (when we do judge)
o   There are several reasons, here are some
o   Protect the Bride of Christ
§  As unbeliever’s are confronted they either leave, or come to faith!
o   Protect people from themselves (may not have seen)
§  Spiritual growth of God’s people
o   Helps deter others from sin
§  i.e. a new Christian finds the church takes sin seriously
§  Acts 5!
§  What happened?
§  (Acts 5:11) “And great fear came upon the whole church and upon all who heard of these things.”
o   It is loving. We love God, and it is loving to care for the souls of His children
o   For example, as a parent, it is unloving to fail to discipline your children
§  But the same principle applies
§  Restoration, not vindictive

·      What kinds of things may result in discipline?
o   When a Christian sins against another Christian, and it cannot be overlooked in love. (Proverbs 19:11; Matthew 18:15-22)
o   When a Christian who professes faith lives in sin without repentance.  (Galatians 6:1-5; 1 Corinthians 5; 2 Corinthians 2:5-11)
o   When a Christian continually blasphemes God. (1 Timothy 1:18-20)
o   When someone encourages or promotes false doctrine.  (Acts 20:25-31; Galatians 1:6-9; 1 Timothy 1:4-7; 1 Timothy 4:1-8)
o   When a Christian is a habitual doctrine debater. (2 Timothy 2:14-26)
o   When a Christian will heed only false teachers. (2 Timothy 4:1-5)
o   When a Christian is sincere but deceived. (2 Corinthians 11:3-4;13-15)
o   When a teacher is in moral sin or doctrinal error. (James 3:1)
o   When an elder is in moral sin or doctrinal error. (1 Timothy 5:19-21)
o   When a Christian appoints himself or herself to leadership. (3 John 1:9-10)
o   When a Christian is divisive. (Titus 3:10-11)
o   When a Christian is an idle busybody. (2 Thessalonians 3:6, 11)
o   When a Christian promotes legalism. (Galatians 5:7-15; Philippians 3:2-3)
o   When a Christian refuses to obey civil laws. (Romans 13:1-7)
o   When an alleged offended Christian seeks legal recourse. (1 Corinthians 6:1-8)
o   When a Christian has repeatedly rejected counsel by a church elder. (1 Thessalonians 5:12-13; 2 Thessalonians 3:14-15; Hebrews 13:17)
o   When a Christian is not consistently in community . (Colossians 3:16; Hebrews 10:24-25)
o   When a Christian leaves the church to pursue sin or heresy. (1 John 2:19)

·      Who is subject? – Everyone who attends a church
o   Membership at LEFC gives you certain privileges
§  Vote
§  Serve as a committee chair
§  Be an Elder
o   Being in Christ makes you a part of THE church (universal), and so everyone is under the authority of Scripture
o   (Romans 12:4-5) “For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another.”
o   (Colossians 1:18a) “And he is the head of the body, the church.”

·      Starting Point
o   Getting the heart ready

·      Matthew 7:1-5

o   TURN
o   (v:2) “…the measure you use it will be measured to you.”
§  What’s your heart like when you judge?
§  In other words, how would I like to be treated if things were reversed?
§  What is you motive?
§  Rabbinical tradition believed God had two measures, mercy and justice.
o   (v:3) “Why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?”
§  Do you see what sin is like clearly?
§  Your own sin is looming large
§  (Matt. 18) parable of the 10,000 talents
o   (v:5) “…then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye.”
§  Go ahead
§  Set aside personal goals and ambitions
§  Be merciful and generous in what you do (W/O being outside of Scripture
§  We should grieve having to do any kind of correction

·      Matt 18:15-17
o   There is no “one size fits all!”
o   (v:15) brother (or sister)
§  PRAY!
§  Remember, they’re a brother or sister
§  Just you and them
§  Don’t tell others beforehand
§  Goal: win them over
o   (v:16) two or three witnesses
§  PRAY!
§  Martyr: one who could testify in court
§  NOT someone who agrees they don’t like the other
§  The ought to be no gossip in this
§  What if they don’t believe it was an offence?
ð    Was it really offensive?
ð    (We do this as Elders)
§  If there are no witnesses you may have to let the matter drop
§  If not, it should be brought to the Elders for arbitration (1 Cor.6)
§  Goal: to win them over
o   (v:17) bring it to the church (assembly/congregation)
§  We insert a step (as there was no church) add the Elders
ð    Arbitrate
ð    Weigh/discern
§  PRAY!
§  Notice, the sense here is the WHOLE congregation will help shepherd them
§  Goal: to win them over
o   I had a situation years ago (won’t say what church) when someone had slandered the Sr. pastor and the witnesses to it confronted in love…repentance happened

·      1 Corinthians 5:1-13
o   TURN
o   Two acts of sin
§  Corporate sin of tolerating, thus condoning the sin
ð    (v:2) arrogant
ð    (v:6) boasting
§  Individual sin of immorality
ð    The same is implied to this man
ð    Arrogant and boastful
o   Is it punishment? – in one form, yes (2 Cor. 2:6)
o   Remember the goal – reconciliation and restoration done with a heavy heart
o   What are Paul’s concerns?
§  God’s glory – our mission
§  “The church exists to glorify God in all things, resulting in mature Christ-centered disciples.”
o   Notice Paul’s response is not that of the (Matt. 18) process
o   It is immediate expulsion from the church
o   Why? (v:5) Concern for the man’s soul and the integrity of the Bride of Christ
o   God is more concerned with His glory than how I feel

·      Difference between gross, unrepentant public sin, and single issue sin which may be public or private (hence witnesses)
o   We all want our sin kept private, but was it private
§  Rude in a Bible study is actually public
§  SS class
o   In what context was the sin?
o   See Elders before others
·      Goal in both passages?
o   Repentance and restoration
o   If you don’t have a heavy heart stop!
o   Go back to (Matt.7) and assess your motives
·      Repentance
o   Godly grief vs. worldly sorrow
o   Worldly sorrow means I’m sorry I got caught
o   Godly grief mean I understand the largeness of my sin and how it taints god’s glory
o   Believe the gospel – you’re forgiven, loved of God, BUT, your consequences may follow
·      Restoration
o   Welcome them back
o   We lean toward “conditional forgiveness”
o   If we can’t approach it the right way, we can’t go through it the right way
o   (2 Corinthians 5:18-19) “All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation; 19 that is, in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation.”
o   Not only the message, but living in a way that validates the truths of Scripture
o   God loves to reconcile sinners to Himself, we ought to as well

o   Let’s Pray

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