Sunday, March 8, 2015

Protevangelium - Pastor Dan Cravillion


Genesis 3:14-15

The Lord God said to the serpent,
"Because you have done this, cursed are you above all livestock and above all beasts of the field; on your belly you shall go, and dust you shall eat all the days of your life.

I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring; He shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise (crush) His heel."

Satan thought he had led successful rebellions in heaven/earth against God.
·      God’s purposes are never thwarted by anyone or anything.   Core Value 
o   Satan again was inadvertently used to carry out God’s eternal plan.
·      Maybe he anticipated man, like the fallen angels, would be condemned to hell for their sin.  
o   The opposite occurred: God would redeem & protect mankind. Rom 5:20,
§  This only magnifies His grace as He freely pardons us. Heb 2:16
In the midst of the curse on Satan, is the promise of salvation for men. Gen 3:14-15, Rom 11:22
·      Some believe the snake was originally upright on all fours…called dragon & serpent.
·      It did not literally mean he would eat dust; it figuratively depicts Satan’s humiliation & total defeat.
o   The crawling snake is a living symbol of the divine judgment on Satan.
·      The “enmity” here is divinely established hostility, antagonism, war.
The history of redemption is the history of God-originated enmity on three fronts.
·      Between Eve and the serpent, Christians and the lost & the Messiah and Satan.
God established this wedge (enmity) between the one deceived & one who deceived her.
·      Satan already hated Eve, but God graciously turned Eve’s heart and affections from Satan to Himself.
·      Her offspring also had enmity toward Satan. Not all mankind, only Christians. Jn 8:44a, Gen 22:18, Eph 6:12-13,
o   There is a massive conflict in society/history between Christians & the lost.
o   God plants spiritual enmity in the hearts of Christians toward sin….remorse.
§  When there is a spiritual warfare/struggle within, this is evidence that a person is alive spiritually.
Finally, a specific battle: Satan brought sin into world through Eve, so God brings man’s salvation & Satan’s destruction through the line of Eve, a special man. Gen 3:15, Luther
·      The first prophecy in the Word is the comprehensive promise of the coming of Jesus Christ: He is the Redeemer who will overcome, restore creation to its original state & be a member of human race born of virgin.
o   Virgin birth was a prophecy (not primary pt.) Unique. Elsewhere through male.
·      The first preaching of the gospel: Prot (1st) evangelium (gospel).
·      The sufferings on cross were Jesus Christ’s bruised heel (it was temporary & will heal) & where Satan's head was crushed (fatal/final wound). Heb 2:141 Jn 3:8; Is 53:5, Rom 5:17, Col 2:13-15
In a few concise words hidden in an eternal curse of Satan is mercy, grace, forgiveness, salvation, & victory for sinners.
·      In the cross God offers reconciliation & freedom from Satan’s domain by defeating our adversary for us. Col. 1:13-14;  Rom 16:20, 1 Jn 4:4
·      If you are in Christ (a true Christian) then His victory is your victory.
o   You will fall victim to temptations but Satan will not take away what God has given you in Christ Jesus.
·      God is continually taking the worst the Devil can do & turns it into a glorious victory. 
o   In history & in our lives God’s purposes can never be thwarted by anyone or anything.  

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