Sunday, May 10, 2015

There is No Risk in Missions - Pastor Kyle Danielson

There is No Risk in Missions
(Acts 1:6-11)

·      PRAY
·      This morning I thought it would be good, especially if you’re new here to remind us of the priority of missions in the church, and how we view missions at LEFC.
·      I want to start with two commands from Jesus:
o   (Matthew 28:19-20) make disciples [has to imply missions/imperative]
o   (Acts 1:8) witnesses [verb means real, not possible]
·      I chose Acts because of the nature of the command [some things would need to be valued…
o   It was to be intentional and sequential
o   We will need to prayerfully rely on God to open doors
o   We’ll need to involve multiple generations
o   It must be Spirit led
o   It must be gospel-centered [if it will produce fruit]
o   Because the Word of God commands it, we go
o   It is to be strategic [so we don’t duplicate efforts]
o   Our supreme, sovereign God promises He will make His name great! Which guarantees fruit [but not how soon]
·      Hopefully you’ll see Missions isn’t just a Core Value, it is accomplished by ALL God values
o   Have you wondered why we do Missions?
o   Mission exists because worship doesn’t
o   Missions is temporary, will end, worship is forever
o   The outflow of our hearts should be seeing once lost peoples worship God
§  Outflow of last week – where my hope is
§  Whether it’s my neighborhood
§  Or at the ends of the earth
·      Perspective on (Acts 1:8):
o   In AD 100 there were 12 unreached people groups for every congregation of believers. Now there is 1 unreached people group for every 1000 congregations.
o   There are 78,000 Evangelical Christians for every one unreached people group
o   It is estimated that of the 7.1 billion people alive in the world today, 
§  2.91 billion of them live in unreached people groups with little or no access to the Gospel of Jesus Christ
§  (95%) of the least reached groups exist in the 10/40 window
§  and less than 10% of missionary work is done among these people.
o   That’s why at LEFC we use God’s resources to fund missions to unreached rather than already accessed peoples
§  Explain…90% of missions is done in essentially reached [or abandoned] areas – doesn’t mean it’s the only way…
§  America is stuck in Judea…
o   This morning we’ll look at Acts for some direction from Jesus
o   The first thing He promises in (v:8) is…

·      You’ll receive power
o   What does HE mean by this?
o   I believe 1st and foremost, we won’t do this alone
o   (Matt. 28:20) “I am with you…”
o   An aside…This will be hard
§  Why are unreached peoples hard?
§  Where do most of them live?
§  Why are we stuck in Judea? It’s easy…
o   We will need God’s power
§  Not only to believe and live IN His promises, which is vital to missions
§  But the perseverance to get to, and minister to, the people who need to hear
§  Hard is part of the gig
§  Not just hard to get to,
o   But this may end in suffering
§  I have little experience here, so I’m going to quote someone who does
§  “The nations will be won, through His cross, and our crosses…” – David Sitton
§  An application from last week: “I’m either going to win big, [or they kill me], and I win bigger.” D.S.
§  “You see, you can’t scare me with heaven.” D.S.
§  Think about that…”you can’t scare me with heaven.”
§  What is important is that there are not lesser Christians, but this becomes a heart check of our own ownership of the gospel
o   Like huge cannibal stopping power?
§  Nah,
à      Probably not for mid-westerners
à      But how about, will I even let my child go power?
à      If we’re not careful, we can encourage others to rebel against the very commands of Scripture
o   An example of power: Adoniram Judson
§  He would be the first missionary from America, the first to Burma
§  His request:I have now to ask, whether you can consent to part with your daughter early next spring, to see her no more in this world; whether you can consent to her departure, and her subjection to the hardships and sufferings of a missionary life; whether you can consent to her exposure to the dangers of the ocean; to the fatal influence of the southern climate of India; to every kind of want and distress; to degradation, insult, persecution, and perhaps a violent death. Can you consent to all this, for the sake of him who left his heavenly home, and died for her and for you; for the sake of perishing, immortal souls; for the sake of Zion, and the glory of God? Can you consent to all this, in the hope of soon meeting your daughter in the world of glory, with the crown of righteousness, brightened with the acclimations of praise which shall redound to her Savior from heathens saved, through her means, from eternal woe and despair?
§  He buried her 14 years later
o   Dad, mom, how’re you going to handle something like this?
§  Where will gospel-giving power come from?
§  What filter are you going to use?
§  Will it be biblical, or secular?
§  I’m not saying it won’t be hard
§  Instead I’m asking, “can we trust this sovereign, glorious God to be strong for us in those moments?”
o   He promises us THAT power, then

·      You GET to go represent Jesus
o   We’re witnesses, and better yet, ambassadors
§  God could have done it 1000 different ways, but chose us
§  (2 Corinthians 5:20) “Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making His appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.”
§  Would you choose us?
§  An ambassador represents someone else
§  It’s about God’s fame not mine
o   Witnesses
§  Those who have seen something and can testify to it
§  It actually was a legal concept in the 1st century
§  What Jesus has done to your life, and in your life, through the life giving power of His death and resurrection
§  It’s Jesus – not some vague reference to “The Big Guy” or…
§  It’s about Christ crucified for sinners
§  That means we need to understand the gospel message, and present it clearly [that’s where the power helps – no one wants to be told they’re an enemy of God…]
o   Who would want to share this?
o   People who love God and love His glory
§  Who love sharing about their glorious God
§  Where?

·      We GET to do this everywhere, and anywhere for God’s glory
o   Our Mission Statement starts out: “The church exists to glorify God in all things…”
o   “The goal of missions… is the gladness of the peoples in the greatness of God.” – John Piper
o   So I don’t have to go further than my own street – if I’m not called to missions, I can be missional in my own neighborhood
o   God is still glorified if I do
o   AND, at the same time I can be a sender [it’s a two-for!]
o   If God is sovereign, AND, the reward glorious [heaven], in what way do we define risk?
§  There’s no risk overseas
§  There is no risk at home
§  Because God doesn’t need me – He’ll get it done
§  If anything, I risk my joy by doing nothing
§  There is no joy in being fearful

·      How to wrap up?
o   I’ll leave you with these thoughts:
·      In the time it took me to preach this message, about 40 of our brothers and sisters will have been killed because they love Jesus.
o   I realize they’re just numbers
o   But they’re real numbers
o   I don’t grasp, but it’s important I know
o   It’s important that I remember this life is not the reward

·      Next week Yoder’s [Mozambique]
·      31st Ron Keres and Matt Klockenga [Ojibwe]

·      Pray

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