Monday, August 10, 2015

The Reason for the Flood- Pastor Dan Cravillion

The Reason for the Flood

Gen 6:1-8

Since fall: There were 1530 years of amazing achievements & development of human civilization~ Cities were build, farming thrived, tools made, musical instruments, music, etc.,
·      There was also incredible moral degradation: earth totally corrupt. Gen 6:1-2, 5

“Sons of God” This debate is centuries old, with many godly folks holding differing views:
·      Some think it was nobles who sought to establish a dynasty through harems,
·      Some think it was the godly Sethite men who married ungodly Cainite women.
·      Others believe it was fallen angels who came to earth in human bodies & cohabited with women, In the Old Testament the “sons of God” always refers to fallen or holy angels.
·      The only way a demon could consummate a marriage with a woman would be to possess a man.
o   The term "take as wives" is used seven times in Genesis = actual transaction is speaking of marriage. Not rape

·      I believe: the pre-Flood wickedness was so great that the people actually desired & pursued demonic control, possession for selfish reasons….Power/not die
o   Nephilim means powerful, fierce, great, strong.
§  Not godlike, supernatural ½ man ½ angel (new creation or comic book character) but fully human. verse 3&4
·      A genetic pool (existed after flood Gen 6:4, Num 13:32) with men of great stature, power and influence. KD in China.  

Easy to lose the texts main focus in a debate over “sons of God”.
·      Beyond actual deeds of wickedness their hearts were totally corrupt. Gen 6:5, Rom 7:18, 3:10-12, Jn 6:44, Ps 51:5, Jer 17:9
o   Totally corrupt/depraved does not mean we are as wicked or sinful as we could be or are incapable of doing good.
Total depravity refers to nature of people & extent of sins damage, not strictly deeds.
·      The total person (mind, will, emotions, body) was & is corrupted by sin;
o   EVERY person since Adam and Eve, except Jesus, were/are born with a nature alienated from God & one in rebellion against God.
·      Depravity must be viewed in relation to God, not by comparing men with men.
o   We all lack spiritual good in ourselves & are totally unable to do anything about our alienation from God.

·      That’s why we desperately needed Jesus to rescue us in spite of our sin, not because we’re “worthy” or mostly good.
The wickedness was so profound that everybody but eight people would be destroyed with literal worldwide flood. Gen 6:3,7, 7:23, 8:21, 1 Pet 3:20
·      120 yrs: time between proclamation>flood or shortened lifespan
o   Those post-flood lived much longer but age dropped rapidly & then leveled off.
·      “sorry” (repented KJV)does not mean God changed His mind/purposes/plan.
o   He emotionally reacts differently to obedience /rebellion with the appropriate blessing/punishment.
Flood came because a Holy God must punish sin, but even in midst of coming judgment God’s grace shines thru. Gen 6:8, Rom. 5:20, Heb 11:7, Jn 1:12-13, 10:28

·      Noah was a sinner who escaped judgment by God’s grace by faith.
o   Favor: acceptance or grace. Noah did not earn favor with God, he found it.
o   Once you have received God’s favor you can never lose it.

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