Sunday, August 4, 2013

Blinded to Receive Sight

Blinded to Receive Sight

Acts 9:1-9
Saul's conversion was a monumental event in church history. It is mentioned three times in Acts alone.
·      Saul was by birth a Jew, by citizenship he was a Roman, by education a Greek, & purely by the grace of God a Christian. He was then known as Paul.   Phil 3:4-9
Christianity posed a threat to Saul’s religion, so he viciously attacked “The Way”. Act 9:1-2, Jn 14:6
·      His role was not one of executioner, but of arresting officer.
o   Ironically, Paul requested letters (lit. “epistles”) to help him destroy believers, but in future he would write epistles to build them up.
·      Damascus is a 150 mile, six days by foot, journey from Jerusalem.
o   Several trade routes linked Damascus to other cities in Roman world.
·      They would persecute Christians in Damascus to prevent spread of Christianity worldwide.
o   There was overt persecution = Christians would die for Jesus Christ, and would be silenced by killing.  Mt 5:11
o   There was covert persecution = Such as silence by shaming or threatening.
§  The goal of both: to silence you.  
·      Fear of persecution causes Christians to serve the needy but not share gospel.
Paul's conversion, like the Eunuch’s, was a work of divine sovereign grace.
·      God always initiates salvation (either quietly/spectacularly) since unbelieving are dead in their sins & can’t seek. Rom 3:11-12; 1 Cor 2:14; Eph 2:1, 4; Act 9;3-5a
God's grace: the man involved in Stephen's death was the next to see the risen, glorified Jesus Christ.
·      It was not the state Saul saw Jesus Christ in here, but it is implied & later stated. Act 9:17, 27 &1 Cor 9:1; 15:8
o   Noon bright light = radiance of Shekinah (presence) glory. 1 Tim 6:16
§  It Seems he went to ground from fear/reverence, not a fall from a horse
§  He was convinced that whoever is talking is LORD but didn't know who LORD was.  
The answer was shocking…completely refuted all he had lived for & turned his religious achievement/good works to garbage. Act 9:5-9, Phil 3:7–9
·      This was his worst imaginable nightmare: Jesus Christ was alive & is the Messiah, Christianity is true, and it is salvation by grace, not religious/good works….Saul was fighting God.
o   You’re fighting God if you believe good works will get you into heaven.
§  This is not about persecuting Christian's then or now.
Saul is a graphic illustration of true repentance; a miraculous dramatic reversal-
first of one’s beliefs, then of one’s behavior.  Act 9:6-9, Titus 2:11-15
·      Change is most evident in his attitude toward Christians. Phil 1:8, 1 Thess 2:7, 19-20
·      The transformation is not so much caused by an external miracle of bright light & the voice of Jesus Christ, as internal transformation & illumination which God brought: 2 Cor 4:4, 6
o   Salvation of men rests ultimately with God & not with us.
Paul’s conversion gives hope for today: 1 Tim 1:15–16, Gal 1:15-16,
·      This is proof that no sinner is beyond the grasp of God’s irresistible grace.
o   Saul who was so utterly closed & convinced Christianity was untrue, was saved in spite of himself.
·      God sovereignly reigns even if doesn’t feel like He’s in control.  CROSS
o   We can only see God’s predestined plan in rearview mirror, not in the windshield.
o   What began as a trip with a determined goal to wipe out the message of Jesus Christ; ended up as a trip with a man devoted to taking that message to ends of earth…from persecutor to persecuted
§  Imagine Saul & his companions thoughts
·      Jesus Christ extends an abundance of grace/love/patience to humble sinners for salvation & sanctification.   Phil 1:6, Col 2:6, 1 Cor 1:28-31
o   The repetition of Saul’s name signals an intimate personal address, & reveals Jesus’ merciful love even for one such as Saul….how much more to Christians?

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