Sunday, August 25, 2013

Sovereign Surprises

Sovereign Surprises

Act 9:29-35
29 And he spoke and disputed against the Hellenists. But they were seeking to kill him. 30 And when the brothers learned this, they brought him down to Caesarea and sent him off to Tarsus.31 So the church throughout all Judea and Galilee and Samaria had peace and was being built up. And walking in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit, it multiplied.32 Now as Peter went here and there among them all, he came down also to the saints who lived at Lydda. 33 There he found a man named Aeneas, bedridden for eight years, who was paralyzed. 34 And Peter said to him, “Aeneas, Jesus Christ heals you; rise and make your bed.” And immediately he rose. 35 And all the residents of Lydda and Sharon saw him, and they turned to the Lord.
Saul furthered gospel first by his opposition and then by his conversion.
·      The zeal he once had for persecution now turned into a passion for proclamation. Act 9:22-26
Impression events happened quickly: days, maybe 1-2 weeks.
·      "many days passed" in Greek denotes considerable time duration.
·      Actually 3-years in Arabia before Jer. 2 Cor 11:32, Act 9:22-26, Gal 1:15-22
·      Left Damascus w/Moses, Psalms & Prophets in his backpack. 
o   After communing/learning with the Lord in Arabia he understood Jesus Christ was the key to unlock the whole Old Testament & he returned with Romans, Corinthians, and other epistles in his heart.
Paul was invincible when his brilliant mind was sanctified by the Holy Spirit & he was granted revelation from God.
·      Jews, were unable to refute, so they “conspired to kill him.”  Act 9:26-30
o   Even after 3 yrs Apostles were not convinced of Saul’s conversion.
§  vs 26 attempted & Afraid imperfect tense = repeated action.
§  Where for 3 yrs? Doing what? Wolf in sheep's clothing?
·      God turns things around…those Saul sought to kill saved his life.
o   Acts 9 - Saul from Jerusalem (persecutor) >Damascus (Christian) >Arabia (3 yrs) > Damascus >Jerusalem (15 days) > Caesarea > Tarsus (10 “silent/unknown yrs”)
Scene shifts from Paul back to Peter for next 3 chapters.  Act 9:32-40, Mk 2:10b,5:39-42
·      Peter remembered and followed Jesus' examples of healing & raising dead.
·      These 2 miracles worked by Christ on Christians thru Peter; confirmed the truth of the gospel, authenticated Peter as God’s messenger, & served to further gospel.
o   What do these 2 miracles & Paul’s “great escapes” teach us today?
To have hope that out of blue, thru either practical or miraculous means, the omnipotent God can turn things around in the world & in our lives.
·      The Holy Spirit revealed the assassination plans & Christians helped Paul escape. No miracle!
o   Respond to the Spirit's promptings with appropriate practical action.
§  Give God something to work with even though He doesn’t need help.
·      These two miracles evidence of Christ’s power & DESIRE to turn hopeless situations around for God’s glory.  Act 9:35, 42
o   Not just healing, but seemingly “impossible” things: unemployment, rebellious kids...
Dilemma: Difficult things come from God, so asking for change may be viewed as complaining. 
·      This quickly devolves into fatalism- Which is accepting the way it is because nothing is going to change it.
o   These people pray for healing, spouse, salvation, etc.without expectation because “Prayer is what Christians do.”
§  Many pray like Eeyore (nothing will change, only get worse) not like Paul w/expectation that God will work in & through them.
·      How does faithless prayer bring glory to God?
o   Don’t defend Eeyore prayer with religious “talking points”.
§  There is a difference between presumption and a hopeful trust vs. a no faith prayer.
·      Jesus has great and small surprises for the world and for your life that you’ve never dreamed of.
o   God unceremoniously rescued Paul & Prince Paul, miraculously healed Aeneas & Dennis, raised Dorcas & restored Kyle’s relationship with his paternal parents,
·      Christ turns things around in His way & in His perfect timing.
o   Wait on the Lord….don’t give up in your heart.
o   Place your hope in Jesus & live with the possibility that things are going to turn around, perhaps when you least expect them to.  Rom 5:1-5, 15:13. Ps 50:15, Mk 9:24b

Pray: "Worry is not believing God will get it right and bitterness is believing God got it wrong." Tim Keller

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