Extended Pentecost
Acts 10:43-48
43 To him all the prophets bear
witness that everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through
his name.”44 While Peter was still saying these things, the Holy
Spirit fell on all who heard the word. 45 And the believers from
among the circumcised who had come with Peter were amazed, because the gift of
the Holy Spirit was poured out even on the Gentiles. 46 For they
were hearing them speaking in tongues and extolling God. Then Peter declared, 47 “Can
anyone withhold water for baptizing these people, who have received the Holy
Spirit just as we have?” 48 And he commanded them to be baptized in
the name of Jesus Christ. Then they asked him to remain for some days.
In Cornelius's house that day, a new
chapter in Christian history was
· The Gentile Pentecost displayed God’s
acceptance of Gentile believers
as Non-Jews into body of Christ making the church international & multi-racial.
Peter did not finish his sermon before
everyone hearing repented & was saved.
· Salvation was the result of Holy Spirit not
a flashy presentation or human persuasion.
The Holy Spirit does the convicting/convincing & He changes
minds, hearts, wills.
Acts 10:43-44, Gal 3:2, Acts
11:14-17, Rom 8:9
· The Gentiles heard that forgiveness was available thru faith in Jesus
& they believed.
This does not explicitly say “believed”, but saving faith
results in the indwelling of the
Holy Spirit. There is no such thing as Christian without the Holy Spirit.
The Spirit fell on these Gentile
believers in the same way as on apostles @ Pentecost -- not by the laying on of hands & praying for Holy Spirit like
the Samaritans; God just did it!
· This was not a new Pentecost but rather an extension
of Pentecost to include Gentiles.
· Gentiles were saved in same way, by
same gospel, & baptized by same Spirit in same way as Peter/Apostles in Upper Room
& Jews at Pentecost.
does not teach speaking in tongues are normally to be expected w/coming of Holy Spirit. 1
Cor 12:30
This is not recorded in all Acts conversions…Samaritans at Pentecost & the Ethiopian eunuch.
· Speaking in tongues was a confirming sign for the sake of the Jewish believers present.
Gal 5:6
It was undeniable, irrefutable evidence that the same Holy Spirit
was within the Gentiles— even w/o converting to Judiasm.
truth overruled all Jewish prejudiced objections.
· They must have been amazed: they knew they must fully
accept Gentile believers as
Gentiles into body of Christ.
The order here: believe in Jesus, receive
the Holy Spirit, and be baptized by immersion in water.
· In the New Testament, baptism follows salvation, & thus is not necessary for salvation. Act 10:47-8, Eph 2:8-9, 1 Cor 1:17, Mt
You do not need baptized to be saved, but if
you are saved you need to be baptized.
· Baptism, not an altar call, was the universal public declaration of conversion and proclamation of allegiance to Jesus & identity with
the Christian community.
This is called "believers” baptism. Infant
baptism reverses biblical order.
to dip, immerse,
plunge something underneath water.
Dying cloth.
- This is a
beautiful picture of a Christian’s union with Jesus in His
death, burial, and resurrection. Gal 2:20, Col 2:12, 2 Cor 5:17
- Going under
the water celebrates Christ's
death/burial for our sins & a Christian's death to sin and self.
- Coming
out of the water celebrates Christ's resurrection & a Christian's newness of life.
- The sprinkling
of water just doesn't portray
these truths as vividly.
Greek word implies Peter wisely
ordered 6 Jews with him to baptize new Gentile converts. Act 10:48
Scripture not specify where or who can perform a baptism.
- Just be sure the person
being baptized is truly a child
of God & understands
what he or she is doing.
You need to be baptized if you have not
been baptized since belief in Christ.
- LEFC baptism ceremony & celebration is Oct 20th…e-mail me.
Baptism brings blessing that comes with
all obedience (1 Jn 5:2), joy of public profession of one's
faith & many times builds up
other Christian's that are present.
· All
this is possible for any Gentile because of Jesus' death, resurrection, & God’s gracious gift of the Holy Spirit first
given to non-Jews @ the Gentile Pentecost in Cornelius’ home.
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