Monday, April 27, 2015

A Gospel Centered Life - Why We Need the Gospel (2 Peter 1:3-9) - Pastor Kyle Danielson

A Gospel Centered Life
Why We Need the Gospel
(2 Peter 1:3-9)
·      Text on sanctification in the life of the believer, and what drives that
·      So, why do we need the gospel?
o   Because it’s not just a message for unbeliever’s
o   (Colossians 1:6) “…the gospel, which has come to you, as indeed in the whole world it is bearing fruit and increasing—as it also does among you, since the day you heard it and understood the grace of God in truth
o   grows in believer’s and increases fruit.
o   Why?
·      (v:3a) “God’s divine power has granted to us all things THAT…”
o   Pertain to life and godliness
o   and then he explains what godliness is in (5-7)
§  He has to get us there first
§  The indicatives to the imperatives
§  Life
à      In relation to holiness
à      They’re not separate
§  Godliness
à      Christ-likeness
à      Display the character of God in how we live
§  You’re not waiting for God’s sovereign plan
à      He’s granted – all things
à      to present something as a gift or confer a benefit, prob. with some suggestion of formality
à      perfect tense
v has and will continue to
v have now
v right now God’s divine power is available to you
o   He’s not saying:
§  Gifts
§  Money
§  Position – life & godliness
o   HOW is this possible?

·      (v:3b) “through the knowledge of Him who called us to His own glory and excellence
o   Knowledge
§  What does he mean?
§  Coming to know someone for who they really are
§  A relationship
§  Knowing Jesus – not knowing about Jesus
o   Where and how do we know God?
§  His Word
§  Time in prayer
§  Spend time with God
o   (Galatians 4:9) “But now that you have come to know God, or rather to be known by God, how can you turn back again to the weak and worthless elementary principles of the world, whose slaves you want to be once more?
§  Do you see the relationship here?
o   “To His own glory”
§  (1 Peter 2:9)But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for His own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.”
§  Go back to the “a” part of the verse
o   God’s divine power has gifted us everything to know Him and then in the outflow of that joyful relationship display His glory and character
o   Man, just one verse
o   NOW, this relationship lets us believe:

·      (v:4a) “by which He has granted to us His precious and very great promises
o   Godliness has more to do with what you believe than what you do
§  Godliness has more to do with what you believe than what you do
§  I can fake what I do
à      If I act differently in church then in my home then I’m faking church
à      If I act differently at work than at home, I’m faking it
à      The honest answer may be, “godliness has little value to me.”
§  You see what I do flows out of what I believe
§  People don’t live what they profess…
§  Worry is not believing God will get it right, and bitterness is believing God got it wrong.” – Tim Keller
§  How I live [and respond] betrays what I believe
à      If I’m angry that I didn’t get the house, or car, or job I was hoping for then I believe God got it wrong.
à      If I constantly worry I’m saying God missed this, He’s not in control
§  Here’s the beauty, God is not angry,
à      but pretending there is no problem prevents you from starting to gain victory
à      It stunts your spiritual growth
o   Precious & very great – means of tremendous value
§  What does that look like in my life?
§  How does that work itself out?
§  So, what I want to do is identify some of these promises
o   What are some of these great promises?
§  (Acts 17:24-25) You have nothing God needs
§  (Ephesians 1:4-5) and He chose you anyway
§  (John 6:37) Jesus has you and will not let go
§  (Romans 4:8) Because He has declared you not guilty – forever
§  (Romans 11:35) You have not, and cannot earn God’s love
§  (Romans 8:38-39) and you cannot lose it
§  (Ephesians 1:13-14) And then…He placed His Spirit in you as a guarantee of your inheritance
§  (Galatians 4:4-7) Because You’re adopted by the King
§  (Hebrews 12:28) You’re heir to a kingdom that cannot be shaken
§  (2 Timothy 3:12) You’ll suffer
§  (Hebrews 13:14) You’re hope and home ultimately, is not in this life
o   I threw in the last two because if we don’t believe the first nine we can’t get through the last two
o   Knowing Jesus(:3b) brings me to a place of belief

·      (v:4b) “so that through them you may become partakers of the divine nature
o   Through them [the promises, built on a relationship]
o   Partakers of the divine nature
o   I think this is two-fold: the now and the now yet
§  Now regarding our sanctification
§  The not yet regarding our eternal glorification
§  For today, I’m going to focus on the now
o   I start to live in a way that displays these promises are real
o   What does the process of sanctification look like?
§  Spasmodic sanctification
§  Little victories are great
§  All too often we want these huge displays of God’s gifts, but we really don’t see the NT writers talking about those anywhere like they do loving God and loving one another.
§  Because, what does it matter if I have no regard for the most important truth of the gospel: unmerited love and grace
§  Scripture tells us this if we listen:
§  (1 Corinthians 13:2) “I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing.”
§  Faithful in little, faithful in much
o   Two weeks ago I challenged you to move a little in a relationship, so here’s what I did:
§  Sunday night with Shelly
§  Disaster
§  Wednesday night – better
§  Big victory – I saw Sunday’s disaster
§  I want Jesus to get glory – success or failure

·      (v:4c) “having escaped from the corruption that is in the world because of sinful desire
o   The best way to sum this up:
§  Pursuing Christ is the most sure way to avoid sin [the word ‘escape’ has the connotation of avoid]
§  The word “sinful” is not in the Greek , just “desire”
§  The same context as P. Dan preached on in Genesis
o   So, the power of God, working in me to nurture a relationship with Jesus, that values the promise of God, then produces a character that displays Jesus and hates the sinful pleasures of the world.
o   Simply put: Jesus is better than sin

·      (vv:5-7) “For this very reason, make every effort to supplement your faith with virtue, and virtue with knowledge, and knowledge with self-control, and self-control with steadfastness, and steadfastness with godliness, and godliness with brotherly affection, and brotherly affection with love
o   For this very reason – Jesus is better than sin, I would make every effort to
o   Every effort – zeal
o   Zealous supplement of my faith
§  vigorously nourish in abundance
§  Think of modern supplements, we get those right?
§  I want to nourish myself, be healthy
§  How about my faith?
o   Virtue
§  Excellence of character
§  uncommon character worthy of praise
§  Admiral Nimitz said of the Marines on Iwo Jima – “uncommon valor was a common virtue”
§  What ought to be common among Christians?
§  (1 Corinth. 11:1)
o   Knowledge
§  Again not just information
§  Knowing Jesus
§  Knowledge that produces fruit
§  (John 14:15) ‘ “If you love me, you will keep my commandments.”
o   Self-control
§  restraint of one’s emotions, impulses, or desires
§  Jesus is better than sin
§  You have divine power…
o   Steadfastness
§  Patient
§  enduring
o   Godliness – Christ-likeness
o   Brotherly affection
§  Philadelphia
§  Brothers and sisters
o   Love
§  Not an emotion
§  This is the result of this character
§  For this reason, I want to be this person
§  Climaxing with love is not accident – it is the catalyst
o   Is there a purpose in Peter’s mind here?

·      (v:8) “For if these qualities are yours and are increasing, they keep you from being ineffective or unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
o   What does he mean?
§  I have all these promises
§  I have God’s love
§  But I don’t really have Jesus
o   Shrinking the cross
§  Pretending and performing
§  Do you see what a real relationship with Jesus is supposed to be?
à      It has an awareness and a joy in God’s promises
v There’s a level of ownership
à      An awareness of my sinfulness
v I begin to realize I’m more sinful that I think I am
à      I see the good in identifying sin and repenting of it
o   What if they’re not? What if these are not my qualities?
o   If I’m unfruitful in my relationship with Jesus, I will be unfruitful in family, ministry and the church

·      (v:9) “For whoever lacks these qualities is so nearsighted that he is blind, having forgotten that he was cleansed from his former sins.”
o   What does this mean?
o   Nearsighted
§  Squinting
§  Seeing only that which is
§  Without the lens of Scripture – my real glasses
o   Forgotten
§  Pride
§  Arrogance
§  Unable to receive correction

·      Believing the gospel
o   What if right now you’re saying, “Wow, I don’t have the relationship and obedience God is calling me to.”?
o   Repent and believe the gospel
o   God has given you great promises to move you to love Him [all 3 persons!]
o   God is FOR you, He wants this FOR you!