Sunday, June 23, 2013

Empowered to Die

Empowered to Die

Acts 7:51-60

     Stephan was the first great Christian apologist who was about to become 1st post resurrection martyr. He was accused of blaspheming God, Moses, law, temple, serious charges to Jew. He responded with a review of 2000 year history of Jewish worship in Gentile lands with temporary temple. Yet now they revered the contents and the building more than God whom it was constructed for!
·      Also reiterated Israel’s antagonism toward God & all His prophets.
·      Not much directly about Jesus Christ (only once), but He is seen in types/illustrations. ie. Moses, Joe, temple
   Jesus Christ perfect prophet & fulfillment of all OT prophecies.
·      The Jews, like their fathers, always resisted God. Ac 7:44, 51-54
o   Sanhedrin had the truth: rejected Jesus, the Apostles teachings, and miracles.
Here is turning point in Israel's spiritual history.
·      Now for at least 3rd time hear and reject gospel. Act 4:8; 5:27, Heb. 3:7-12
o   Here is the final "unpardonable sin" of resisting HS.
Gospel is now moving from Jews to Gentiles.
·      Ironic: started with Stephen on trial and ended with the Sanhedrin on trial.
The Sanhedrin were angry at Stephen’s initial response but what pushed them over the edge was his vision…1st recorded sighting of Jesus in glorified state after ascension.  Act 7:54-58, Mt 26:63-64
·      The last time Son of Man (Dan 7:13-14) used in NT & only time not spoken by Jesus.  
o   The Jews quickly saw the theological implications: Jesus the Christ is the Messiah & God.
Now the choice is to either execute Stephen too, or admit wrongly had Jesus was murdered.
·      It says they “rushed” with one accord. This shows solidarity of nation’s rejection Messiah.
o   rushed (hormaœ) used w/demon-possessed pigs & frenzied mob in Ephesus theater. Mk 5:13; Mt 8:32, Acts 19:29
·      Unbridled anger: stoned illegally & unscriptural (semblance of Law).
When confronted with their sin, the religious are enraged not receptive or repentant. Rev 11:15, 16:8-11
·      It’s hard face truth about ourselves.  Our prideful anger targets messenger or innocent… parent, spouse, friend, sibling, child. 
o   We need to ask for & receive forgiveness.
Offended or hurt person must be like Jesus and forgive & love enemies.
·      Don’t understand what they’ve done!  Understand what you did to Jesus!
o   Only way to forgive and love is to be controlled by & yielded to HS. Eph 4:32, Ac 7:59-60, Lk 23:34 & 46
·      Stephen's reaction was not a normal fleshly reaction, but godly, trusting, loving.
o   He prays for executioners just as Jesus Christ did….but  Stephan prays to Jesus.
God’s grace provides serenity/love in midst of violence/hatred.  
·      But there is no guarantee that the heart or actions of others will change….Stephen was murdered!
·      When death comes Jesus gives courage & special grace, not necessarily escape.
o   Stephan “fell asleep”. This was a reference to his body: to be absent from body is to be present with the Lord.
o   This is a lovely description of Christian death: temporary, takes from weariness, work, & consciousness of life’s problems to freshness of new day.
Grace enabled incredible things in his short earthly life. Act 8:1, 6:9, 21:39, 22:20
·      Stephen’s death was the providential means to spread Gospel.
·      God used his Spirit-filled life & death to profoundly impact Saul.
o   Scholars believe Stephan probably debated Paul in synagogue.
o   Interestingly, the things Stephan talks about Acts longest single speech and was latter developed in Paul’s epistles. 
 In one sense, Stephen, not Gamaliel was the teacher of Paul. 
·      We never know how God uses seemingly insignificant, “unsuccessful”, short lives to bring glory to Himself. (unsuccessful in the eyes of the world)
o   May God’s glory be the goal of every moment of our life, as well as the time of our death.

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