Sunday, August 11, 2013

The Obscure Servant

The Obscure Servant

Act 9:10-17a
There is more space in the Bible devoted to convincing Ananias than to the conversion of Saul.
·      So far as we know Ananias was not an elder, deacon, or leader in church. 
o   We know nothing about him except what passage tells.
·      He was a Jewish Christian of Damascus and was in communion with God (knew when God spoke) and was a man whom Jesus Christ commissioned as His agent in healing/baptism of Paul.  Act 9:10-12
2 complementary divine visions that informed each about the other.
·      Ananias’s vision directed him to Saul.
o   This street still exists today but called by different name.
·      Saul’s vision told him to expect Ananias's arrival.
o   When God sovereignly works, He works at both ends of line. His reaction is understandable (not refusing)…the request appeared suicidal. Act 9:13-14
·      For the 1st time in Scripture believers are called saints which means set-apart ones.
·      Ananias had no way of knowing of Saul's conversion.
o   It is implied by Paul’s praying to Jesus Christ that he has put his trust in Jesus.
§  This is not the 1st time Saul prayed (Pharisees prayed 9 hours/day) but it is the 1st time Paul got through because it is dependent on God’s grace not self-righteousness.
o   No man truly calls upon Lord, except through the Holy Spirit. 
§  "Prayer is the autograph of the Holy Ghost upon the renewed heart." C. H. Spurgeon
o   Prayer to new Christian is like crying to a baby. We don't teach an infant how to cry.
§  They cry because want their supplier to be aware of their need for something but can't articulate what that need is.
Ananias did not suspect Saul’s conversion nor his future ministry. Act 9:15-16
·      Jesus Christ reassured Ananias by revealing 3 incredible facts about Paul’s future:
o   He was a chosen instrument- Jesus chose Paul long before Paul chose Him.
§  The call to ministry was not based on the whims of men but on sovereign choice of God. Gal 1:1 & 15, 1 Tim 2:7
o   Paul will present the gospel to both Jews & Gentiles & in doing so will suffer for name of Christ. 2 Cor 11:23-29, & 12:7-10
§  No prosperity theology for Paul. 
o   The call to Christ was also a call to serve & suffer.
Despite understandable feelings, God commanded “Go” & Ananias obeyed. Act 9:17a
·      The ultimate measure of faith is a response to seemly illogical commands.
·      God does not need us, but has uniquely created each Christian to be used in a tailor-made ministry
o   Snowflake principle. All uniquely gifted, placed.
·      Every Christian has specific gifts and specific ministries that Holy Spirit has designed for them to carry out within the framework of God's master plan.
o   We may never know who or what might result from our obedience.
God very selective in choosing His people to do His tasks, many are obscure. 
·      John Staupitz: Martin Luther, Mordecai Ham: Billy Graham,
John Egglen: Spurgeon    
“He was not a very learned man and he gave a relatively poor sermon.  He didn’t know a whole lot about theology or Christianity, and so he had to, because he didn’t know too much, he had to keep repeating the text.”  Spurgeon & 1 Cor 1:27
·      God called an unknown disciple named Ananias to minister to a new convert who would become the 1st great missionary & greatest theological influence in Chrsitianity.
o   God might use you to touch a life that will, in turn, touch millions.
·      Maybe not in a prominent or highly visible role, but God has a fulfilling plan for you that will bring Him glory by building His church.

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