Saturday, March 1, 2014

Providence and Its Benefits

Providence and Its Benefits

Acts 17:26-29

26 And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live yon all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place, 27that they should seek God, and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him. Yet he is actually not far from each one of us, 28 for  “ ‘In him we live and move and have our being’; as even some of your own poets have said,“ ‘For we are indeed his offspring.’ 29 Being then God’s offspring, we ought not to think that the divine being is like gold or silver or stone, an image formed by the art and imagination of man.

The news sometimes ties our stomach in knots with worry: ie. economy, world conflict, energy $, etc.
·      We need to have Wesley's attitude, “I read newspaper to see how God is governing His world.” 
  • He is Sovereign over: weather, $ stocks, life/death, historical time/location, nations & rulers. Mt 10:29, 8:27, Isa 46:10-11, Eph 1:11, Rom 13:1, Act 17:26, 29a
He made every nation “from one man.” (Adam), of the same family tree, we are all related.
o   “offspring”…means common creation, not spiritual relationship.
·      God created all people from the same blood & determined when/where in history, so that people seek & find Him.
o   Refutation of Greeks/modern science….things happened by blind fate. 
·      There is no such thing as luck/chance from God's perspective. Prov 16:33, Jonah 1:7
o   Personal examples: 2004 home purchase, Hearts game.
The universe is not governed by impersonal fate or luck, but rather by a personal God who supplies all & determines and rules the affairs and destinies of men and nations. Rom 13:1, Prov 21:1
·      Concurrence: God directs & works thru “natural” means so it is caused entirely by God & entirely by factors in creation.  Ps 148:8, 135:7, Jam 4:2b, Mt 6:26
·      All that happens falls under God's sovereign will because Jesus has the ability to stop or cause anything to happen.  Job 1:10-12 & 21b
o   Caution: fatalism (what is, should be) destroys the motives for responsible Christian behavior.
God is the ultimate cause of all, but does so in way somehow upholds our ability to make real, voluntary choices w/real/eternal results that we’re responsible for. 
·      We are aware of no restraints on our will from God when we make decisions.
o   There is absolutely no sense of being forced or compelled to choose one over another.
·      But to say God does not cause us to make willing choices limits His power.
o   God can create a creature who can make willing, voluntary, meaningful choices, and that those choices are nonetheless ordained by God.
·      If can’t understand this, does that mean I should reject it? Do we reject that a bumblebee can fly? God is omni-.
o   Exactly how He combines both, Scripture does not explain.  We need to accept that Scripture teaches both.
Belief in God’s sovereignty/providence brings great benefits: 1 Thess 5:18, 1 Pet 1:6-7, Act 17:26, Ps 103:2, Phil 4:19, Rom 8:28, Mt 6:31-34
  • Hope not fear in midst worldly and personal instability.
·      More trust/faith in God, less worry.
o   In essence, worry from believing the situation is out of control.
§  Worry is the sin of unbelief in God’s promises/providence.
·      Patience in adversity, knowing it is part of his wise plan & ultimately for our good.
·      Gratitude: for all good that happens, as it is gift from Him.
·      Contentment: Lord watches/cares/give what we need, exactly when it's needed. Phil 2:12-13 & 4:11-12; 1 Tim 6:6-8

**God’s unwavering purpose in all He does in your life and the world is so He would be marveled at and worshipped for His supremacy, grace, power, and great love.  

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