Sunday, October 18, 2015

Be a Blessing - Pastor Dan Cravillion

Be a Blessing

Gen 12:1-3
Now the Lord said to Abram, "Go from your country and your kindred and your father's house to the land that I will show you. 2  And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. 3  I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed."

Abram was told to leave the country, his relatives, his father’s household (involved giving up economic security & inheritance) without a visible certainty of the future.
·      When God calls a person, He always gives far more than He requires. Gen 12:1-2, Mk 10:29-30
o    “bless”  is used 5x= Gen 1-11, 5x in 12:1-3.
§  God intervenes to do good things both temporally & spiritually.  
God gives a personal promise “I will bless you”. This is the foundation for National & universal promises.
·      A specific area of land become great nation (Israel).
o   Required faith: Abram was old & his wife Sarai barren. Gen 11:30, 15:5, Ps 127
·      What God would do in and through Abram would result in Abraham being long-remembered among men. Gen 12:2, 11:4, Jn 8:56, Gal 3:6-7
o   What Babel labored for & never achieved, God freely gave to Abraham.
§  A great name: good reputation & secure identity.
o   Abraham’s name is known worldwide to millions of people 4,000 years after he lived.
§  Jews, and Christians have Abraham as the father of their faith.
§  Islam: Abram 2nd to Mohammed, reference is made to Abraham 188x in the Koran.
o   Abraham (not a New testament person), is an example of life of faith.
§  75 New Testament references to Abraham.
Greatest promise that Abraham personally needed the most & the world is desperate for is this - through the descendant of Abram redemption would come to all nationalities. Gen 3:15, 12:3, Mt 1:1, Gal 3:29, Rom 4:16, 9:6-8
·      Messianic promise was fulfilled in Jesus Christ, He is the true seed of Abram who brings salvation to the world.
o   The term “all blessed” is not proof of Universalism ie. everyone is saved.
Every time someone responds to Gospel, this promise is fulfilled.
Abram died without seeing the fruition of most of these promises. Heb. 11:12-16, Rev 7:9-10
·      God was faithful & fulfilled every promise beyond Abraham’s expectations.
o   Same promises are true for Christians: new home (heaven), new nationality (body of Christ), secure identity (Christian) & future with the lover of our soul, Messiah.
There is a ripple effect of being blessed by Lord which outflows into being a blessing for the glory of Jesus.  Gen 12:2, Lk 6:45, 1 Pet 3:9, Mt 5:16,
·      This is a command (Imperative) rather than prophetic statement.
o   Heb= “Be a blessing,” not “you will be a blessing.”
·      Be a channel of Lord’s blessing in practical ways: Eph 2:10,
o   Be an example, be Christ-like….in world but not of it.  LAST WEEK
o   Serve others…especially those in need: poor, widows, orphans. Gal 6:2
o   Speak encouraging words.  Prov 16:24, 1 Thess 5:11,
·      Primary focus here is to be a spiritual blessing. Mt 28:19
o   Share Gospel with local, regional & global neighbors. 
o   Disciple people to maturity in their faith.  Gal 6:1,
o   Pray for Christains & the lost.  Eph 6:18, 1 Tim 2:1

·      The call to be a blessing is for every believer both individually & corporately.

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